18th June 2024

Google Ads Results Heating Up

A little over a month ago, our long-valued client, Macfarlane Heating Services, approached us to discuss their Google Ads campaign. Over the years, we’ve collaborated extensively, crafting websites, producing marketing materials, and managing their IT needs.

This time, Scott sought advice on the Google Ads campaign he had set up. Following a discussion about the campaign specifics, MHS’s goals, and budget, we recommended starting with a Google Ads Audit.

Our Google Ads experts identified areas where significant improvements could be made during the audit. We walked Scott through our findings, presenting a comprehensive analysis of his campaign’s performance.

Clearly, our insights resonated with Scott. He entrusted us with full control of his Google Ads account for a trial period to gauge if we could enhance the campaign’s performance.

Have we been able to back up the big claims we’ve made? So far, we have!

Positive Google Ads Results After One Month

In just the first month of overseeing the campaigns, we’ve observed considerable improvements in the metrics. MHS’s click-through rate surged from less than 1% to an impressive 4%. Notably, this surge coincided with a significant dip in impressions, indicating that the ads were previously reaching the wrong audience and wasting money. Furthermore, we’ve seen a boost in the number of phone call leads, aligning perfectly with the campaign’s primary objective.

While it’s still early days, we’re encouraged by the progress and aim to continue optimising and elevating the campaign’s success.

Turn the Heat up on your Own Google Ads

Concerned about your Google Ads’ performance? Reach out to us, we’re here to help.

[email protected]

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