Your Business and your Brand | How Important is Branding?
What is a brand and why is it so important?
This is the question every business asks themselves.
We all know a great brand when we see one.
The best brands speak to us. They make us feel something.
Why does Adidas or Bentley make you feel differently from Reebok or Hyundai?
How does one brand differentiate itself from another?
Take a look at your competitors and consider which ones are doing better and which ones are doing worse.
Now consider that they are most likely selling the same products as you.
How can one company be doing it better than another?
That’s the beautiful thing about a brand… it’s not about what you say it is… it’s about what they say it is.
The customer will decide where to shop and develop their own internal idea about a brand.
Your brand defines the way you will be perceived by potential customers. It allows you to create a meaningful bond with people and helps to define who you are.
When I walk into a shop to make a purchase, which of the thousands of different brands should I choose from?
Which branding speaks to me more? Which one fills me with confidence?
These are subconscious questions we constantly ask ourselves when choosing to spend our money on goods or services.
Branding is an ultra-powerful tool that when used correctly will make you stand apart from your competition.
By presenting a clear and consistent brand personality to your audience, you will increase your chances of achieving your goals as a business.
Nailing down your company’s brand allows you to develop strategies in other areas of your business.
Brand is the foundation from which design, marketing, tone of voice and even company culture grows.
That means it’s pretty important you get your branding spot on!
In today’s world, it’s more important to speak to a consumer’s feelings than their actual needs.
Does anyone really need a £500 belt or a £10,000 watch? Probably not… but it makes them feel like they’re part of something and helps to define who they are.
When you sell something, you’re selling a lifestyle as much as you are a product.
But how do you go about finding your own brand style?
What defines you as a company?
Brand Story Workshop
Through our Brand Workshop, we sit down with clients across multiple sessions and really get into the nitty gritty of their brand.
We help clients to define who they are, what they stand for, why they’re doing what they’re doing and much more.
From here, we take these guidelines and develop them further into tone of voice and design work.
For anyone struggling with branding this is an excellent way to create a solid strategy to help move your business forward.
Contact us today and our branding experts will arrange a call with you to discuss further.
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